BennyHonda SuperShifter – Self Help (2023)

If Radiohead were to have a child with The Beatles, the chances are likely BennyHonda SuperShifter would be it. Drawing together elements of power-pop and indie-pop with tinges of grunge, the US-based individual takes listeners on a nostalgic trip to the British Invasion (the mid-60s and mid-80s). With only a few tracks beneath his belt, we could call BennyHonda SuperShifter a newbie in the music scene; however, he is already established having performed with New Madrid, various groups across the USA, and recorded with Dagmar Vork, McKendrick Bearden, Jack’s Johnson and Immaterial Possession.

Described as having a “refined lo-fi attitude and an organic instruments-only vibe…” (mesmerized), BennyHonda released his four-track EP, SELFHELP earlier this year. When looking at the title track, we can hear the powerful organic instrument style floating through a power-pop/dream-pop melody. Interestingly enough, while there is a synth-driven vibe to ‘Self Help’, BennyHonda SuperShifter finds a line between organic and synthetic in the almost three-minute-long song.

Far more upbeat than the other tracks on SELFHELP, the single introduced us to the multi-instrumentalist with a bold, bouncy, jovial tone. Interestingly enough, while there is a joyful sassiness to ‘Self Help’, melancholic desperation lies in the lyricism – this is where the depth of BennyHonda SuperShifter lies. Exploring his inner Paul McCartney, the poetic lyrics connect with individuals on an intimate scale. Telling us about how “he can’t help himself to do it to you”, there is a vulnerability and fragility amidst the high-paced jangle pop rhythms.

Sincere, fun and clearly optimistic, I can hear ‘Self Help’ being played at top volume when spending time with friends.

For more from BennyHonda ShapeShifter, check out his Instagram and Spotify.

This artist was discovered via Musosoup #sustainablecurator